Invisalign | Clear Braces

Posted on 8-Jan-2024 0:32
Views 147

Dentistry on 14 is your friendly and caring dental practice. We're located on 14th Avenue, at the intersection of Box Grove Bypass and 14th Avenue in the Box Grove area of Markham. Invisalign® is a custom-made aligner that is interchanged roughly every two weeks for a period of six to eighteen months, or longer depending on the severity of misalignment. Similar to a mouth or dental retainer (which is designed to keep teeth from shifting out of place), an Invisalign® aligner is used for orthodontic treatment as a technique to move and properly align teeth for a beautiful smile.

This clear aligner is usually computer generated from a mold (or impression) of the patient’s teeth—taken by either a dentist or an orthodontist—and the fitting is unique to each patient only.

Address 6884 14th Ave, Unit 1A, Markham ON
Invisalign | Clear Braces montreal